LUA table 转为php array

lua table是一种特殊的table格式,在一定的程度上来说是和php数组结构差不多,只是里面的语法不同,所以可以通过一个类来将LUA table变成php数组。

 * LUA data table parser LUA table数据格式化为php数组封装类
 * This file contains the code that parses LUA data tables into a PHP array.
 * Mostly used when extracting information from World of Warcraft addons.
 * @version 1.0
 * @package LuaTableParser
 * Class that parses the LUA data file file
 * @package WLP */
class LuaTableParser
     * The variable contraining the lua lines to be parsed
     * @var array
    protected $lua = array();
     * The current possition in the array we are parsing
     * @var integer
    protected $position = 0;
     * The size of the lua array
     * @var integer
    protected $lines = 0;
     * Array containing the result of the parse
     * @var array
    protected $data = array();
     * Constructor
     * Takes on input, checks if its an array, file or string.
     * @param mixed $input Array, file or string to be parsed
     * @return WLP_Parser
    public function __construct($input)
        if(is_array($input)) {
            $this->lua = $input;
        } elseif(is_string($input)) {
            if(is_file($input)) {
                $this->lua = file($input);
            } else {
                $this->lua = explode("\n", $input);
        if(is_array($this->lua)) {
            $this->lines = count($this->lua);
        // The array should be bigger than 1 line, else we have probably gotten
        // a invalid file as input.
        if($this->lines <= 1) {
            throw new Exception('Input did not validate as array');
        return $this;
     * Returns the array the parsed from the lua file.
     * @return array The resulting array from the parse
    public function toArray()
        return $this->data;
     * Starts the parsing of the lua array.
     * @return void
    protected function parse()
        $this->data = $this->parser();
        // Clear the array containing the lua data file to save memory usage.
     * Does the actually parsing of the lua table.
     * @return void
    protected function parser(&$position = false)
        if($position == false) {
        $position = &$this->position;
        $data = array();
        $stop = false;
        if ($position < $this->lines) {
            for ($i = $position; $stop == false;) {
            if ($i >= $this->lines) {
                $stop = true;
            //$strs = explode("=", utf8_decode($this->lua[$i]));
            $strs = explode("=", $this->lua[$i]);//no must to be decode 
            if (isset($strs[1]) && trim($strs[1]) == "{") {
                $data[$this->arrayId(trim($strs[0]))] = $this->parser($i);
            } elseif (trim($strs[0]) == "}" || trim($strs[0]) == "},") {
                $stop = true;
            } else {
                if (strlen($this->arrayId(trim($strs[0]))) > 0 && strlen($strs[1]) > 0) {
                    $data[$this->arrayId(trim($strs[0]))] = $this->trimValue($strs[1]);
        $position = $i;
        return $data;
     * Trims of leading and trailing quotationmarks and tailing comman from
     * the value.
     * Example:
     *  Input: "Value",
     *  Output: Value
     * @param string $string String to be trimmed
     * @return string Trimmed string
    protected function trimValue($string)
        $string = trim($string);
        if (substr($string,0,1)=="\"") {
            $string = trim(substr($string,1,strlen($string)));
        if (substr($string,-1,1)==",") {
            $string = trim(substr($string,0,strlen($string)-1));
        if (substr($string,-1,1)=="\"") {
            $string = trim(substr($string,0,strlen($string)-1));
        if ($string =='false') {
            $string = false;
        if ($string =='true') {
            $string = true;
        return $string;
     * Extracts the Key-Value for array indexing.
     * String Example:
     *  Input: ["Key"]
     *  Output: Key
     * Integer Example:
     *  Input: [0]
     *  Output: 0
     *  @param string $string String to extract array index from
     *  @return string Array index
    protected function arrayId($string)
        $id = sscanf($string, "[%d]");
        if (strlen($id[0])>0) {
            return $id[0];
        } else {
            if (substr($string,0,1)=="[") {
                $string  = substr($string,1,strlen($string));
            if (substr($string,0,1)=="\"") {
                $string  = substr($string,1,strlen($string));
            if (substr($string,-1,1)=="]") {
                $string  = substr($string,0,strlen($string)-1);
            if (substr($string,-1,1)=="\"") {
                $string  = substr($string,0,strlen($string)-1);
            return $string;

上面就是封装的类,使用方法很简单,只要将这个类实例化,实例化的时候传入lua table,然后就可以调用toArray这个公共方法获得php数组了.

